Oncology Massage

 Oncology Massage

OMT is one of many evidence-informed supportive care services available to oncology patients. It offers a number of benefits for cancer patients to improve physical symptoms or side effects. Patients may find that it helps to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, nausea, fatigue or pain.

While conventional treatments like chemotherapy, radiation and surgical treatments are used to attack the cancer, supportive care therapies may be recommended to manage side effects and improve quality of life.  It is an integrative approach that focuses on whole-person care.

It is my desire to assist those in pre, post or current cancer situations to improve the wellness of their body, mind and spirit through educated and skilled hands.

Benefits of Oncology Massage

 Anecdotal evidence suggests that there are many benefits that are enjoyed by people at all stages of cancer experience. Clients tell us that it helps with various symptoms.


Deep relaxation * reduced stress * improved sleep * eased constipation * increased alertness and mental clarity * reduced anxiety * less nausea * reduced pain

Following Surgery

Reduced anxiety in advance of surgery * easier recovery from anesthesia * reduced post-surgical pain * improved mobility and appearance of surgical scars * reduced swelling * improved range of motion * easier adaptation to implants and expanders.

Following Radiation or Chemotherapy

Reduced anxiety in advance of and during treatment * reduced post-treatment fatigue * improved appetite* improved peripheral neuropathy.


Decreased anxiety * decreased depression * increased feelings of well-being * being pleasantly distracted * improved body self-image * restored hope * satisfaction in participating actively in a part of the healing process.

As an oncology massage practitioner, trained to meet people where they are in their experience with cancer, each session is individualized to support and nurture. The treatments are modified according to each persons needs, making adjustments for various type of pressure and positioning as well as possible side effects from medication such as nausea or other symptoms. My goal is to bring care, compassion and expertise to each session.